Contoh Soal Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris Untuk SD/MI (Ujian Akhir Sekolah Kelas 6) Paket 5. Seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, pada tahun pelajaran 2018/2019 akan diadakan Ujian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional (USBN) bagi peserta didik kelas 6 Sekolah Dasar (SD). USBN di tingkat Sekolah Dasar (SD) hanya menguji tiga mata pelajaran, yakni Bahasa Indonesia, Matematika, dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA).
Kisi-Kisi soal USBN SD tahun pelajaran 2018/2019 sudah dirilis Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud). Kisi-Kisi soal USBN SD tahun pelajaran 2018/2019 kemudian dijadikan sebagai acuan untuk merumuskan Bedah Kisi-Kisi USBN SD/MI Tahun 2018/2019Semua Mata Pelajaran Per Butir Soal. Kisi-kisi ini digunakan sebagai acuan dalam penyusunan soal USBN SD tahun 2019 yang menggunakan materi irisan dari Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) atau Kurikulum 2006 dengan Kurikulum 2013. Format kisi-kisi USBN SD tahun 2019 memuat level kognitif dan ruang lingkup materi.
Disamping akan diadakannya Ujian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional (USBN), Sekolah Dasar (SD) biasanya juga akan mengadakan Ujian Sekoah dengan Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Pada kesempatan ini saya akan membadikan Contoh Soal Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris Untuk SD/MI (Ujian Akhir Sekolah Kelas 6) Paket 5 yang diharapkan dapat menjadi bahan belajar bagi siswa SD/MI dalam mempersiapkan pelaksanaan ujian tersebut.
Contoh Soal Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris Untuk SD/MI (Ujian Akhir Sekolah Kelas 6) Paket 5 ini dapat didownload atau di unduh dengan mudah dan setelah terunduh dapat disesuaikan dan diedit sesuai kemauan karena Contoh Soal Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris Untuk SD/MI (Ujian Akhir Sekolah Kelas 6) Paket 5 ini mempunyai format Ms. Word.
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11. Rahma : Mirza, do you mind … shopping with me?
Mirza : I’m sorry, I want to help my mother.
a. going b. playing c. buying d. helping
13.1. Write your schedule in the shape.
2. Hang the schedule on the wall.
3. Draw six shapes you like, such as heart, apple, etc.
4. Join the shape using small ribbon.
a. | 3 – 2- 4 – 1. | |
b. | 3 – 4 – 2 – 1 | d. 3 – 2 – 1- 4. |
14. Q : Let’s play kite.
A : Sure. The weather is …., we can play it!
a. Autum
b. Windy
c. Rainy
d. Foggy
21. Joni : May I … your dictionary, please?
Yovan : Okay, here you are.
a. borrow b. borrowed c. borrows d. borrowing
Look at the picture and Read the text bellow !
Suramadu Bridge

It’s a bridge. It’s name is Suramdu Bridge. It’s very
long bridge and very wonderful too. The bridge is located in
Surabaya and Madura.
I’ts connects between two islands. They are Java and
Madura islands. Before the bridge was build, people went to
Madura by ship or boat. But today, people can go there by car,
bus even by motorcycle. It makes their travelling faster and
22. . . . is the title of the text ? Suramadu Bridge.
a. who b. where c. what d. when
23. Where is Suramadu bridge located ?
a. The Suramadu Bridge located in Java and Bali
b. The Suramadu Bridge located in Surabaya and Madura
c. The Suramadu Bridge located in Bali and Madura
d. The Suramadu Bridge located in Surabaya and Bali
24. Is Suramadu a wonderful bridge ?
a. Yes, It does b. No, It doesn’t c. Yes, it is d. Yes, it is not
25. Why the people like to pass the bridge ?
a. Because it makes their travelling faster and cheaper
b. Because it makes their travelling lower and cheaper
c. Because it makes their travelling faster and more expensive
d. Because it makes their travelling more expensive
26. The correct statement based on the text is . . . .
a. Suramadu bridge is very wonderful, It connects between two islands, they are Java and Kalimantan islands.
b. Suramadu bridge is very short bridge, it connects between two islands, they are Java and
Bali islands.
c. Suramadu bridge is very long, it connects between two islands, they are Bali and Madura islands.
e. Suramadu bridge is very wonderful, it connects between two islands, they are Java and Madura islands.
29. Once upon a time, near mount Tengger, there lived a wise man named Begawan Nyampo. He was not only wise but also had a super natural power. He could change a thing into an animal and wise person. In addition, he could predict what would happen in the future. Because of this power, a lot of people saw Begawan Nyampo if they had a problem in their life.
The text above tells about . . . .
a. Malin Kundang b. Begawan Nyampo c. Baru Klinting d. Sangkuriang
30. Febri : “ Do you know how to make a cup of tea?”
Ria : “ First, add sugar and tea into the cup. Second, pour the boil water into the cup. And stir it.”
Febri : “ What’s next?”
Ria : “ Finally, a cup of tea is ready to ….
a. eat b. drink c. take d. make
39. Cleans – He – the blackboard – using – eraser - an
a. He cleans an eraser using the blackboard
b. He cleans the blackboard using an eraser
c. the blackboard clean using he an eraser
d. using the an eraser he clean the blackboard
40. Birthday – She – party – will – tomorrow – celebrate. The correct answer is . . . .
a. She will celebrate birthday party tomorrow
b. Birthday party will celebrate she tomorrow
c. She wiil celebrate party birthday tomorrow
d. Will she celebrate birthday party tomorrow
44. complete the dialogue below!
Anisyah : when will we camping?
Atika : we will camping may be ….
a. last night b. next holliday c. last Monday d. last week
45. Anita – and – Saskia – playing – will – stilts
Arrange the words into a good sentences
a.Anita and Saskia will playing stilts
b.Anita and Saskia playing stilts will
c.Anita and Saskia playing will stilts
d.Anita and Saskia stilts will playing
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Download Kumpulan Prediksi Soal USBN SD 2019 Mapel BAHASA INDONESIA
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Download Kumpulan Prediksi Soal USBN SD 2019 Mapel IPA
Download Soal Try Out USBN Kabupaten Ngawi Tahun 2019
1. Soal Try Out USBN Korwil Ngawi Barat 2019 Mapel Bahasa Indonesia
2. Soal Try Out USBN Korwil Ngawi Barat 2019 Mapel Matematika
3. Soal Try Out USBN Korwil Ngawi Barat 2019 Mapel IPA
4. Kunci Jawaban Try Out USBN Korwil Ngawi Barat 2019 Semua Mapel
4. Kunci Jawaban Try Out USBN Korwil Ngawi Barat 2019 Semua Mapel
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