Ebook Learn Autodesk Inventor 2018 Basic Tutorial
4/ 5 stars - "Ebook Learn Autodesk Inventor 2018 Basic Tutorial" Autodesk Inventor dipakai oleh para profesional desain untuk pemodelan 3D, menghasilkan gambar 2D, analisis elemen hingga, des...

Ebook Learn Autodesk Inventor 2018 Basic Tutorial

Autodesk Inventor dipakai oleh para profesional desain untuk pemodelan  Ebook Learn Autodesk Inventor 2018 Basic Tutorial

Autodesk Inventor dipakai oleh para profesional desain untuk pemodelan 3D, menghasilkan gambar 2D, analisis elemen hingga, desain cetakan, dan tujuan lainnya. Tutorial ini ditujukan untuk pengguna pemula Inventor dan memberi Anda semua isu dasar yang Anda butuhkan sehingga Anda dapat mendapat keterampilan penting untuk bekerja di perusahaan Autodesk maupun diperusahaan pemodelan pemesinan lainnya.
Buku ini akan membantu Anda untuk mempelajari dasar-dasar pemodelan bagian, pemodelan perakitan, presentasi, dan gambar. Selanjutnya, Buku ini menyediakan pendekatan langkah demi langkah untuk mempelajari Autodesk Inventor 2018. Topiknya termasuk Memulai dengan Autodesk Inventor 2018, Pemodelan Bagian Dasar, Membuat Sidang, Membuat Gambar, Alat Pemodelan Tambahan, Pemodelan Logam Lembaran, Alat Perakitan, Dimensi dan Anotasi , dan Dimensi Model Berbasis.
Buku ini memperlihatkan pendekatan langkah demi langkah bagi pengguna untuk mempelajari Autodesk Inventor. Buku ini ditujukan bagi mereka yang tidak mempunyai pengalaman sebelumnya dengan Inventor. Pengguna akan dipandu dari memulai sesi Autodesk Inventor 2018 untuk menciptakan bagian, rakitan, dan gambar. Setiap belahan mempunyai komponen yang dijelaskan dengan tunjangan model dunia nyata.
Buku ini ditulis cocok bagi mahasiswa dan insinyur yang tertarik untuk mempelajari Autodesk Inventor 2018 guna merancang komponen dan rakitan mekanis, dan lalu menciptakan gambar pemodelan.

Buku ini menyediakan pendekatan langkah demi langkah untuk mempelajari Autodesk Inventor 2018. Topiknya termasuk Memulai dengan Autodesk Inventor 2018, Pemodelan Bagian Dasar, Membuat Sidang, Membuat Gambar, Alat Pemodelan Tambahan, Pemodelan Logam Lembaran, Alat Perakitan, Dimensi dan Anotasi, dan Dimensi Model Berbasis.
Chapter 1 Getting Started with Autodesk Inventor 2018 :
Starting Autodesk Inventor,  Interface, Ribbon, File Menu, Quick Access Toolbar, Browser window, Status bar, Navigation Bar, View Cube, Shortcut Menus and Marking Menus, Dialogs, Mini toolbar, Customizing the Ribbon, Shortcut Keys, and Marking Menus,Color Settings
Chapter 2: Part Modeling Basics
Tutorial 1
Creating a New Project,  Starting a New Part File, Starting a Sketch, Adding Dimensions, Creating the Base Feature, Adding an Extruded Feature, Adding another Extruded Feature, Saving the Part
Tutorial 2
Starting a New Part File, Sketching a Revolve Profile, Creating the Revolved Feature, Creating the Cut feature, Creating another Cut feature, Adding a Fillet, Saving the Part
Tutorial 3
Starting a New Part File, Creating the Cylindrical Feature, Creating Cut feature, Saving the Part
Tutorial 4
Start Extruded feature, Applying Draft, Saving the Part
Chapter 3: Assembly Basics
Tutorial 1
Top-Down Approach, Bottom-Up Approach, Starting a New Assembly File,Inserting the Base Component, Adding the second component, Applying Constraints, Adding the Third Component, Checking the Interference, Saving the Assembly, Starting the Main assembly, Adding Disc to the Assembly, Placing the Sub-assembly, Adding Constraints, Placing the second instance of the Sub-assembly, Saving the Assembly
Tutorial 2
Starting a New Presentation File, Creating a Storyboard Animation, Animating the Explosion, Taking the Snapshot of the Explosion
Chapter 4: Creating Drawings
Tutorial 1
Starting a New Drawing File, Editing the Drawing Sheet, Generating the Base View, Generating the Section View, Creating the Detailed View, Creating Centermarks and Centerlines, Retrieving Dimensions, Adding additional dimensions, Populating the Title Block, Saving the Drawing
Tutorial 2
Creating New Sheet Format, Creating a Custom Template, Starting a Drawing using the Custom template, Adding Dimensions
Tutorial 3
Creating a New Drawing File, Generating Base View, Generating the Exploded View, Configuring the Parts list settings, Creating the Parts list
Creating Balloons, Saving the Drawing
Chapter 5: Additional Modeling Tools
Tutorial 1
Creating the First Feature, Adding the Second feature, Creating a Counterbore Hole, Creating a Threaded hole, Creating a Circular Pattern, Creating Chamfers
Tutorial 2
Creating the first featur, Creating the Shell feature, Creating the Third feature, Creating a Cut Feature
Creating the Rib Feature
Tutorial 3
Creating the Coil
Tutorial 4
Creating the First Section and Rails, Creating the second section, Creating the Loft feature, Creating the Extruded feature, Creating the Emboss feature, Mirroring the Emboss feature, Creating Fillets, Shelling the Model, Adding Threads
Tutorial 5
Creating a 3D Sketch, Creating the Sweep feature, Creating the Along Curve pattern, Editing the Freeform Shape, Create another Freeform box
Tutorial 6
Start a new part file, Creating the second feature, Adding Threads, Creating iParts
Tutorial 7
Creating the First Feature, Creating the Extruded surface, Replacing the top face of the model with the surface, Creating a Face fillet, Creating a Variable Radius fillet, Shelling the Model, Creating the Boss Features, Creating the Lip feature, Creating the Grill Feature
Creating Ruled Surface
Tutorial 8 (The Distance from Face option)
Tutorial 9 (The Extent Start option)
Tutorial 10 (Partial chamfer)
Chapter 6: Sheet Metal Modeling
Tutorial 1
Starting a New Sheet metal File, Setting the Parameters of the Sheet Metal part, Creating the Base Feature, Creating the flange, Creating the Contour, Flange Creating the Corner Seam, Creating a Sheet Metal Punch iFeature, Creating a Punched feature, Creating the Rectangular Pattern, Creating the Bend Feature, Applying a corner round, Creating Countersink holes, Creating Hem features, Mirroring the Features, Creating the Flat Pattern, Creating 2D Drawing of the sheet metal part
Chapter 7: Top-Down Assembly and Joints
Tutorial 1
Creating a New Assembly File, Creating a component in the Assembly, Creating the Second Component of the Assembly, Creating the third Component of the Assembly, Adding Bolt Connections to the assembly, Applying the constraint to the components, Using the Search tool in the Bowser window, Editing Values in the Bowser window, Changing the Display Preferences of the Bowser window, Using the Measure tool
Tutorial 2
Creating the Slider Joint, Creating the Rotational Joint, Creating the Rigid Joint, Adding more assembly joints, Driving the joints, Creating Positions, Creating 3D PDF
Chapter 8: Dimensions and Annotations
Tutorial 1
Creating Centerlines and Centered Patterns, Editing the Hatch Pattern, Applying Dimensions, Placing the Feature Control Frame, Placing the Surface Texture Symbols, Modifying the Title Block Information`
Chapter 9: Model Based DimensioningGeometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing
Tutorial 1
Adding Tolerances to the Model dimensions, Extracting the Model dimensions, Adding Tolerance Feature

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Autodesk Inventor dipakai oleh para profesional desain untuk pemodelan  Ebook Learn Autodesk Inventor 2018 Basic Tutorial
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