How to Prevent Wrinkles with 6 Natural Ingredients
4/ 5 stars - "How to Prevent Wrinkles with 6 Natural Ingredients" The most significant cause of facial wrinkles is age. As we get older, the skin naturally becomes weaker, less moist, less tight, to fo...

How to Prevent Wrinkles with 6 Natural Ingredients

 The most significant cause of facial wrinkles is age How to Prevent Wrinkles with 6 Natural Ingredients

The most significant cause of facial wrinkles is age. As we get older, the skin naturally becomes weaker, less moist, less tight, to form lines of aging. According to the Healthline page, in addition to age, other causes of wrinkles are exposure to ultraviolet light, smoking, the habit of squinting, smiling, to frowning.

It is also recommended early on to use a sunscreen with an SPF content of at least 30 when outdoors, also equipped with protection caps or long sleeve clothing to protect the skin from the hot sun.
In addition, the choice of natural ingredients can also reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Here are six natural ingredients that are around and useful for preventing wrinkles, as reported by the Healthline page.

1. Aloe vera
Aloe vera has a variety of healing properties. A study in 2008 showed that the use of aloe gel can reduce wrinkles within 90 days. While in another study, the researchers found the spread of aloe vera on the skin useful to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and add collagen and hydrate the skin.

2. Banana masks
Bananas contain natural oils and vitamins that can improve skin health. Experts recommend using banana masks. How to make it, take a quarter of a banana and puree it into a pasta mixture. Then apply it to the skin of the face and let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing with warm water.
 The most significant cause of facial wrinkles is age How to Prevent Wrinkles with 6 Natural Ingredients

3. Super food
A study in the Netherlands showed older men and women who ate more fruit had fewer wrinkles than other groups who often ate meat and fast food. Types of superfood include artichokes, avocados, chia seeds, cinnamon, egg white, ginger, oatmeal, salmon and sardines, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, Japanese soybean soup, and walnuts.

4. Essential oils
Research shows that consumption of olive oil can protect wrinkles on the skin. Besides oil, olive stems and leaves also have compounds that can increase collagen levels in the skin. In a 2001 study, people who ate foods rich in olive oil were less wrinkled than people who ate foods high in butter, dairy products and meat.

Apart from olive oil, there are also other essential oils that can prevent wrinkles, such as argan oil, sandalwood, lavender, ylang-ylang, rosemari, pomegranate, to roses.
 The most significant cause of facial wrinkles is age How to Prevent Wrinkles with 6 Natural Ingredients

5. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps the formation of collagen in the skin. Sources of vitamin C can be found in fruits and vegetables, such as guava, kiwi, chili, and kale. Regular use of vitamin C gel can help overcome skin damage caused by sunlight and reduce wrinkles. Vitamin C gel can hydrate the skin, increase collagen production, and reduce inflammation.

6. Zinc and selenium
Minerals can filter sunlight, speed healing, and prevent damage to the skin. Zinc and selenium are the two highest minerals that are believed to be able to dispel some UV radiation and protect skin damage from sunlight, including wrinkles.

Zinc can be found in oysters, peas, almonds, oatmeal and cheese. While foods containing selenium include sunflower seeds, spinach, bananas, and yogurt. However, keep in mind that consuming too much zinc and selenium can endanger your health. Talk to your doctor first, the limits of zinc and selenium that your body needs.
