The body has its own rhythm in carrying out its function, which works approximately every 24 hours. This helps the body to adjust to changes in the environment, sleep patterns and behaviors such as eating.
Launching from Healthline, any food that is eaten can obviously affect your body, but the time you eat can also have an effect on your body, including can affect your metabolic system, body weight, obesity, and sleep cycles.
One study showed that people who were late for lunch like after 3 pm would lose less, compared to people who ate earlier. This also applies at breakfast and dinner times.
According to other studies, limiting meal times from 6am to 7pm can reduce up to 244 calories. This possibility is caused by fewer calories obtained because less time is spent eating.
One study found that people who breakfast can reduce fat intake and snack impulsively. In addition, people who eat more calories at breakfast don't need to eat less during the day, because the breakfast pattern has a smaller role for daily intake than eating after breakfast.
Another study said, people who consistently ate six times a day had better cholesterol and insulin levels than those who ate at irregular times. Regular eating times also play a long-term role in maintaining your weight.
Usually, we will feel hungry every three to five hours, but it will get used to the schedule of regular meals at the same time every day. You can store healthy and filling snacks like vegetables and cheese to eat between meals to maintain your appetite.
"We found adults who consumed calories during regular meals at the same time every day, did not have a fat body compared to people who eat irregularly, even though they consumed more calories overall," said guest lecturer at the Diabetes and Nutrition Division at King's College London, Gerda Pot, PhD, as quoted from Health. The body has many kinds of metabolic processes, such as appetite, digestion, fat metabolism, cholesterol and glucose whose patterns repeat every 24 hours.
"Eating inconsistently can affect our body's work patterns," he said. The disorder can cause weight gain and other health risks.